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MGS1+2+3 Speedrun Marathon

Run these games serval times, it need much much patient to practice some strategy. The process is not fun at all, but if you make it through, you will be very proud with it. I am planning to speedrun MGS series again. Rather than improving PB, I would like to play it all or try 4, 5. If you think that speedrun is cool and want to support us, you can simply click the ads in this blog for us. PB MGS1 MGS2 MGS3


原本以為遊戲會籍快到期,所以想先花點時間破破那些會籍期間免費的遊戲。 有一款年半前送的RPG遊戲-熱情傳奇(TOZ),雖算不上好評遊戲,但傳奇系列都是有名大作,所以就去一試。 結果不到半月,就玩不下去。光是RPG的升級元素,就不想去了解,系統太過複雜。 系統要保持進化,是大廠RPG的普遍現像,如果系統不改,你會覺得沒新意,但系統改了,你也不知道他在幹什麼。遊戲內的教學過程,只有規則沒有示範,真的看不到也實驗不到,這是TOZ很大的一個敗筆。 之後轉玩動作遊戲-古墓奇兵(重啟之後的第一、二代) (Tomb Raider),感覺比RPG好多了,起碼不會被複雜的系統壓著神經。 但問題是一代優化很差,搖晃太強,會令人有點想吐。 遲一下,可以錄制一下Mac機的畫質,看看一代的優化有多差。

MGS3 Start

MGS3 Speedrun 開始啦,好不容易,來到第三代,操作越來越神化,如果能成功Speedrun,一定比前兩代更加千奇百怪。最近亦買了新的HDMI Capture Card,找到再來錄錄對比。 練習    VOD Backup 如果你覺得Speedrun好得意,想支持我地,可以點一點本網誌的任何廣告欄位。 Eventually, MGS3 Speedrun started. Many insane strategies were introduced in this version. If I run it successfully, it must show much more interesting tricks than previous game in the series. (Of course, the game design became much much open in the later game series) Practice  VOD Backup If you think that speedrun is cool and want to support us, you can simply click the ads in this blog for us.

MGS2 failed many times

完整跑了一次MGS2 Speedrun,感覺是比1代要容易,但死了很多次,絕對有潛力更進一步 初體驗  https://youtu.be/IfmGQFHwWK8 練習    VOD Backup 如果你覺得Speedrun好得意,想支持我地,可以點一點本網誌的任何廣告欄位。 First time to completely speed run MGS2, it is easier than previous series. I failed many times, and it's sure that I could be do better in future. First trial  https://youtu.be/IfmGQFHwWK8 Practice   VOD Backup If you think that speedrun is cool and want to support us, you can simply click the ads in this blog for us.

MGS2 bomb disposal

MGS2 Speedrun 已經開始練緊啦,但還在Fatman那裏卡住   VOD Backup MGS1的Speedrun也獲得過審了喔,第六名,還算不錯吧。 https://youtu.be/id0HiGqtKFY 如果你覺得Speedrun好得意,想支持我地,可以點一點本網誌的任何廣告欄位。 I have started to learn MGS2 speedrun and still stuck at the fatman fight.   VOD Backup MGS1 Speedrun got approved too. Got the 6th in the ranking. It is not bad, right? https://youtu.be/id0HiGqtKFY If you think that speedrun is cool and want to support us, you can simply click the ads in this blog for us.

going on MGS2

Hey, MGS1 Speedrun已經完成啦,暫時排第六,現在開始挑戰MGS2 Speedrun。 如果你覺得Speedrun好得意,想支持我地,可以點一點本網誌的任何廣告欄位。 這是我第一次成功Speedrun https://youtu.be/id0HiGqtKFY 下面是twitch 的備份影片。如果有任何提議,可以隨時留言。 VOD Backup Hey, MGS1 Speedrun has been done, got the ranking 6th at that time. Now just move on MGS2 If you think that speedrun is cool and want to support us, you can simply click the ads in this blog for us. This is my first complete speedrun https://youtu.be/id0HiGqtKFY Following is the related twitch videos backup. Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestion for us. VOD Backup

Start learning speedrun of MGS1

最近玩起MGS1 Speedrun來,主要因為沒有新的好遊戲真正吸引我(也可能是沒錢買遊戲)。 如果你覺得Speedrun好得意,想支持我地,可以點一點本網誌的任何廣告欄位。 這是我第一次成功Speedrun https://youtu.be/id0HiGqtKFY 下面是twitch 的備份影片。如果有任何提議,可以隨時留言。 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbYXpKT7aEVHmvoE12m1rH7LJouod2Tz In recent days, start to learn how to speed run MGS1, because no new game that really attract me (and second reason maybe lacking of money). If you think that speedrun is cool and want to support us, you can simply click the ads in this blog for us. This is my first complete speedrun https://youtu.be/id0HiGqtKFY Following is the related twitch videos backup. Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestion for us. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbYXpKT7aEVHmvoE12m1rH7LJouod2Tz


邪靈入侵的VOD備份,因為某個錯誤操作,好像有一EP已經弄不回來。 邪靈入侵2應該不會再犯同樣錯誤。 支持我們的朋友麻煩點一下Blogger裏面的廣告,讓我們可以幫補下。 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUbYXpKT7aEX-nUpTaLKb8NfvV_yv-u1G