MGS3 Start

MGS3 Speedrun 開始啦,好不容易,來到第三代,操作越來越神化,如果能成功Speedrun,一定比前兩代更加千奇百怪。最近亦買了新的HDMI Capture Card,找到再來錄錄對比。

練習   VOD Backup


Eventually, MGS3 Speedrun started. Many insane strategies were introduced in this version. If I run it successfully, it must show much more interesting tricks than previous game in the series. (Of course, the game design became much much open in the later game series)

Practice  VOD Backup

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I really like your stream guys
Macau Yeah說…
I will be back to MGS series after Mega Man 11.
Try MGS4 or MGS5 ?



三國志 戰略版 手遊公測試玩

本週手遊重點推介 2021/05/17-2021/05/23